Moisture is, by definition, unavoidable in maritime environments. When a surface is constantly bombarded with wetness and salt, asset failure can happen quickly — and tragically — if preventative maintenance isn’t dutifully employed.

For ships, barges, buoys, drilling platforms and other marine structures, thinking preventatively about corrosion control isn’t an option — it’s a must. There’s no doubt about it: your asset will corrode if you don’t take proactive measures like choosing the right coating or creating a comprehensive coating maintenance plan.

The high-intensity corrosion challenges faced by marine facilities require a holistic knowledge of which coatings are best for your needs. Do you need non-slip coatings for walking surfaces? Would luminescent coatings make your inland marine facility more visible to passing ships?

Some maritime coating characteristics are non-negotiable. Your coatings need to last — against waves, salinized water, chloride, intense UV exposure — and they need to abide by the stringent regulations and restrictions associated with the industry.

BN has you covered. They have more than 15 years of experience giving critical corrosion control support to the U.S. Navy and Coast Guard. If maritime is one of the toughest industries for corrosion control, the Navy is the toughest client. We understand the challenges of preserving the finest fleet on the water.

BN is a secret-cleared Department of Defense company and has many years of government-contracted work under its belt. We understand the challenges of providing high-quality, reliable corrosion control to the U.S. government and civilian ship owners.

Beyond our experience working for the government, BN is SSPC QP5 certified. Only 13 coating inspection companies carry this certification throughout the world. It means that the capability of BN and its inspectors to provide consistent, high-quality results has been measured based on the corrosion control industry’s highest standards for best practices and quality assurance. In a nutshell, BN is among the world’s best in the corrosion control industry.

Achieve peace of mind in the fight against corrosion.



  • Rehabilitation Project Planning
  • Rehabilitation Daily Inspections
  • Failure Analysis & Anniversary Inspections
  • Asset Evaluation
  • Documentation & Reporting

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