20 Years Experience
We know finding trustworthy, affordable and reliable corrosion control experts isn’t easy. We think we are the best at what we do, but don’t take our word for it. BN has objectively been measured by SSPC (Society for Protective Coatings) and has been awarded the highly coveted QP5 certification, one of only a few companies worldwide to meet this benchmark. The certification is the platinum standard of the industry, making BN coating inspectors world leaders in coatings inspection and corrosion consulting.

Our coating inspectors are rigorously trained and field-tested. They understand the challenges of corrosion control and will ensure your coatings project is done by the standard each and every time. But corrosion control is far more than just blasting away the rust and adding a fresh coat of paint – BN understands that proper corrosion control requires a proactive approach that combines proper staff training, regular surveys, routine maintenance, diligent budget planning, and proactive project management.
BN works alongside asset owners from inception to completion on projects, large or small. We have representatives present to assist you in all stages of planning, execution, control, and closeout of the project. BN helps develop the appropriate plan for your project.